Busty MILF Realtor

It was the end of an afternoon. I had spent all day looking at houses for sale and this was the last stop. As I approached the front door, the realtor opened it, obviously ready to lock up and go home. The realtor introduced herself as Lisa. She was maybe fifty years old wearing a tight and short skirt. And her boobs were huge- D cup or larger! She said she was just about to lock up but that I could be the last to take the tour.

I was not able to conceal my erect cock. She did not say anything although she clearly eyed my bulge on several occasions. I twitched my cock for her, causing her to gasp audibly. “Do you like what you see so far?”, she said. I didn’t know if she was referring to the house or herself. “What do you like best so far?”, she added. She apologized for embarrasing me when she noticed I had turned red. I figured then I would go for it. I responded, saying “I’m sorry that I’ve been staring ever since I got here. But your body is so hot that I can’t focus on anything else.”

Smooth Teen Pussy

Samantha sat on the edge of the tub with her legs spread wide apart while she very carefully maneuvered the safety razor along her bulging vaginal lips, using tiny short strokes to remove the final remnants of hair from her eighteen year old pussy. A knock on the bathroom door made her pause as she asked who it was. “Just me,” shouted her best friend Priscilla through the closed door, “can I come in?!?” “Sure, Pris, come on in, I’m almost finished here anyway,” intoned Samantha as she went back to her barbering!

Priscilla nearly burst through the door and took a seat on the closed toilet lid and asked, “What in the hell are you doing, Sam, it looks like your taking it all off!?!” Continuing with her shaving, Samantha replied, “That’s right, babe, I’m getting rid of all of it, with summer coming up, I want a nice clean look for my new bikini.” Priscilla didn’t answer for awhile, but watched intently as her friend scraped away her remaining pubes. “Doesn’t it sting,” she finally asked, “it looks like it burns like the dickens.” “Not too badly,” Sam replied, “and I’m going to rub it with baby oil when I’m finished, that should take away the sting!” Pris looked doubtful, but held her tongue as Samantha wiped away the excess lather and dabbed away the remaining moisture with a fluffy towel.

“Well,” asked Samantha, “how does it look!?!” “Like a five year old,” Pris retorted quickly, “but I have to admit that it does look sexy in an odd sort of way, how does it feel?” “Mmmmm, very erotic, the air is really cool on it,” Sam replied softly, “look at my clit, it’s all puffed up.” Priscilla leaned forward for a better look, and was astounded at what she saw. There at the top of Sam’s crack, poked out the head of her very erect clitoris. “My god, Sam,” she moaned quietly, “you must be on fire.” Sam’s breathing was now becoming labored, and along the length of crack moisture appeared in small droplets, looking for all the world like a string of small pearls! Without asking, Priscilla picked up the baby oil, turned on the hot water and held the bottle under the faucet for a minute or so to warm up its contents, and then squeezed a generous squirt into her hand, where upon she rubbed the warm oil gently into Samantha’s freshly shaven mound.

The Dirty Dance Floor

When I saw them dancing out on the floor together, I didn’t think anything of it. Girls can dance together all the time and people don’t give it a second thought. In fact, it made them look available and care free. The light show enveloped them, and the dark corners seemed to be their playground. I watched as the strobe made their movements surreal, downed a couple of beers and went out onto the floor.

Dancing nearby, I began to see the stares coming from all around the room. Other men and women were watching them with fascination. Their bodies swam in fluid sensuality and my heart started to pound when they moved over to me. Their movements enveloped my own. The taller girl leaned over to me and introduced herself as Jen in a husky voice. Jen was a brunette dressed in a short dark skirt and gray baby-t. Her breasts bounced freely as if no bra restrained them. She gestured to her friend and told me her name was Laura. Laura glanced around and looked relieved that my presence had gotten rid of some discomforting stares and gave me a welcoming smile. Laura appeared less at ease with her body than Jen, but still looked hot in her fitted black jeans and a black top that was only held closed by a single button between her breasts. The cleavage she showed led me to believe she wore a push-up and my eyes were drawn to her breasts repeatedly. . I told them my name was Jon then began to dance near them, my nervous energy being released as I let myself move in time with the driving beat of the music. I could feel the bass thumping the floor beneath me, and I could feel myself growing aroused watching the two of them eye one another, then sweep their gaze down my long form.

Meeting An Old Friend

I always did like a good fucking – just the way I am, I guess. Nothing like good dick in my pussy to make me happy. I was thinking that that day while I walked.

I was in the supermarket of the town I grew up in when I heard a voice behind me. It said “Jenny! Jenny Shores is that you?” I looked behind me and it was Mr. Jones the neighbor that lived across the road from us when I was growing up!

I hadn’t seen him in years but he still looked good, he was beginning to go grey around the temples but mixed with his afro carribbean features it suited him. His family was nice. I had many happy memories of hanging out in their house and playing with there kids. He was the first black man I had ever met and I remember having sexual thoughts about him in my early teens but I don’t think he ever regarded me as anything more than a kid. It was different now though. His eyes were all over me staring at me hungrily, and he said “Look at you! you’re all grown up, it seems like only yesterday you where running around in your underwear and sucking on a licorice stick!” I said “well I still like to suck on licorice sticks especially the big fat ones and if you want to see me running around in my underwear I’m sure it can be arranged…”

Model Wife

My wife loves posing for my camera and we have taken some very daring shots, but she never envisaged doing so for anyone else, although her figure is good enough.

A colleague from work, who is also a keen photographer, complained to me that he was finding it hard to find a model. Without thinking about what I was saying, I said that my wife would love to pose for him and I showed him some of the tamer photos I had taken of her. He was very impressed and asked me to arrange it.

When I told Rosie what I’d done she was cross, but I flattered her and talked her round to at least try it. She was very nervous and she had had three rum and cokes before we got to Peter’s flat. Peter is a very smooth talker and he soon put Rosie at her ease. The generous measures of gin and tonics also helped.

He started by taking portraits. By the glazed look in her eyes I realised that Rosie was tiddly and I suggested that she take her dress off and pose in her undies.

They Helped Themselves

Beth and I were not into swinging. Neither of us had ever had a sex partner other than each other but Beth did like for me to play with her tits and pussy in public places. Not to be watched, just for me to secretly finger fuck her without anyone noticing. The fact that it was in a public place with us surrounded by people really turned her on. One of our favourite places for doing this was in crowded bars. On these occasions Beth would only wear shoes, mini skirt and tee shirt. This was so I could get easy access to her body. We had been playing these games for about a year when things took a dramatic change.

We had gone into this bar, not one of our regular places. We liked it immediately as it was very crowded. We pushed our way up to the bar. I ordered drinks and whilst the black barman was getting them I turned to Beth who had placed one foot on the foot-rail of the bar and leaned slightly forward. I slid my hand down her tummy and under her very short skirt and began to rub her pantiless shaved pussy. I began sliding my finger in and out of her wet pussy. Being in the midst of this noisy crowd was very exciting for both of us. Beth had her eyes closed and was doing that little murmuring hum she does when she is turned on.

The barman returned with the drinks so I had to remove my hand from her pussy to pay him. I took a sip of my drink and when I put my hand back under her skirt there was another guy’s hand fingering her pussy. I was temporarily stunned. I couldn’t believe that one of these guys would have the guts to do something so brazen. He just looked at me and smiled. I looked at Beth; she hadn’t opened her eyes and was still murmuring away. She either didn’t know or didn’t care whose finger was up her just so long as she was getting pleasure.

Christis First Huge Black Cock

I’d like to tell you about how my wife fell for a young black boy…and she’s so in love with him, she’s having his baby. She finds much more satisfaction with him than she ever did with me, because of the way he makes love to her, and the sheer size of the cock he fills her with – its huge.

We took in an exchange student to help with the rent. He was an 18 year old black boy from Uganda. Now I’d had visions that all black men are tall, muscular and good-looking but Efan was none of these things. He was of medium height and quite pudgy, with thick lensed glasses.

I never regarded Christi as a femme fatale but since she’s been going with Efan she’s become insatiable and can’t get enough of his enormous weapon. Christi used to be quiet, almost shy but not any more. She has a nice figure for her age – 36. She has firm, well- shaped breasts and long, shapely legs. In our 15 years of marriage, neither of us had strayed before.

Efan soon settled in, almost one of the family. He soon began watching Christi who always wore stockings, at home or at work. Once I caught him ogling the tops of her thighs when she bent over. He smiled at me and winked and I saw the front of his pants tented out by a large bulge. I guessed he had what black men are renowned for, a big, big cock. Strangely enough, I got a hard on watching him eyeing up my wife so openly. The thought of him having her soon began to enter my mind.

First Black Man

Joni and I had been married several years when the subject of Black men first came up. She told me one night, while we were fucking, that she had fantasized about fucking a extremely well hung Black man. She said she had always wondered if what they said about Black men’s cocks was true. I told her what I had seen in the showers on-board ship while I was in the Navy. Some of those guys had cocks that would make a horse green with envy. This really turned her on. She got on top of my cock, shut her eyes and fucked my brains out. I could tell by her frenzied pace that she was thinking about what I had told her.

Quickly she started to come, I could feel her juices flowing down onto my balls as her first orgasm turned into her second. Then I started thinking about watching her get thoroughly fucked by a big Black cock. After about ten seconds of this I started cumming with her. Afterward we both calmed down and talked about the fantasy. She admitted that someday she would like to fuck a Black cock and sheepishly I told her I would like to watch. This was the first time we had ever discussed swinging. For several weeks after that we fantasized about it, but then it sorta faded away.

Several months later we were at a college football game. We got to the game early and were drinking from a flask Joni had in her purse. A couple of Black men came to claim their seats next to Joni. As one passed in front of Joni, his crotch was merely inches from her face. He had on very thin running shorts and she could easily see the outline of a huge cock. She stared at it with great interest. She looked up and saw that he had seen her and she quickly looked away. After a moment she looked at me and realized I also had seen her.

Big Black Trashman

Nancy watched through her kitchen window as the big trash compactor moved down the street towards her house. She lived in the last house on the block, and since it was a dead end street, the driver always backed into her driveway so he could turn his rig around and make his exit. It was hot out to day, and even though it was only ten in the morning, the thermometer in the window showed eighty five degrees. The truck was now only one house away and Nancy stared intently as the garbage man jumped out of the driver’s seat and hefted a fifty five gallon barrel like it was a pillow and dumped the contents into the compactor! She crossed and uncrossed her legs while admiring a light layer of sweat shining on his black chest and arms, so when he pulled into her driveway and dumped her container, she opened the back door and yelled out, “Say, it’s awful hot out today, how about some iced tea!?!” He finished emptying her barrel, glanced at his watch, and replied, “Sure, why not, I’ve got a few minutes to spare.

“Come on in,” she said, while holding open the door for him, “have a seat at the kitchen table and I’ll get the tea out of the fridge.” “Sugar and lemon,” she asked? “Just lemon,” he replied while flashing his million dollar smile. After handing him his glass, she settled down in the chair next to his and began, “I’m really sorry, but after all these months I don’t even know your name.” He took a long swallow of tea and replied, “It’s Henry, Bobby Henry!” Nice to meet you Bobby,” she said while extending her hand, “I’m Nancy Evans!” Both of them sipped on their tea for a few moments before Nancy offered while taking his glass, “Let me get a little more ice for you!” As she stood up, she purposely let her robe fall open giving him a generous peek at her naked body! She dropped a few cubes into his glass and returned to her chair, only this time, leaving the top of her robe open far enough so that her breasts were clearly visible. Bobby tried to keep from staring, but when a young woman practically begs you to look at he boobs, well, in that case you take advantage of the situation. In a very calm quiet voice Nancy asked, “Do you like the way my breasts look, Bobby?!?”

Dear Diary

Well it finally happened, and not at all like I ever imagined or fantasized it would happen. What, you ask am I talking about diary?

Until yesterday, I had never cheated on my husband of 21 years. For that matter, he is the only man I have ever had sex with in my life, since I was 16 and a virgin when we first met. That all ended yesterday and I still can’t believe it. Oh sure I’ve had the usual fantasies where I meet a handsome stranger while my husband and kids are out of town. He takes me out on the town and romances me then takes me back to his luxury hotel suite and makes love to me all night long. Well he was a stranger and very handsome but that’s where the similarities end. In fact it gets pretty sick and perverted but you, dear diary, have heard it all before.

I should at least give you some background. I am a 41-year- old woman, married with two kids who live an upper middle class life in a town that I won’t mention. I don’t have the body of a 21 year old but I haven’t let myself go either. I am 5’3″ natural blonde and I weigh 135lbs. I don’t know about best but my most noticeable feature is my chest. I wear a 36 DD and fill out every inch of it. And yes, they are real. Anyway diary, this all started when my husband and I took my oldest son to college. He is a freshman this year at a state university. While none of us had ever met his roommate David, my son Andy had talked to him on the phone several times. He referred to him as nice but kind of quiet.