Halloween Party

October 31st rolled around and it was time for Hanna’s annual Halloween party. Hanna was a wealthy, 55 year old widow. She liked company and invited everyone at the plant to her ‘mansion’ for the party.

The enjoyment was twofold. Firstly, people dressed up and competed for costume prizes. Hanna awarded $100 to up to five people if she couldn’t identify you with your costume on. This was hard because Hanna knew everyone there! There were also prizes for sexiest costume, most original costume and other prizes.

Secondly, It was an adult party. You could dance and drink the night away without anyone knowing who you were. I planned to go as Uncle Sam. Complete with glue on beard and mustache. I was going to go to Randy’s house and drive him to the party. I brought my costume to Randy’s house where we would dress together.

When I arrived I nearly had a stroke after his gorgeous wife Tammy answered the door. Tammy had her 5’3″ frame, complete with her D cup breasts, into a sexy, low cut, French maids uniform. I tried to pry my eyes away from her cavernous cleavage.

The School Reunion

Scott Ruden drummed his fingers on the leather covered steering wheel, keeping time with the beat coming from car radio. His thoughts, however, were not on the music, but his twentieth high school reunion being held that weekend in his home town. He had been pretty lucky over the years and had done quite well with his computer soft ware company, so at least he wasn’t going to have to make up a lot of stories about how his life has been going. It had been at least fifteen years since he had been to Maplewood, the last time being to bury his mother, so he really had had given no thought of coming back until he received his invitation in the mail. It was a five hundred mile drive, and it felt good to escape the big city tension for the pastoral calm of the green country side. About an hour later, Scott could make out the water tower that had maple leaves painted all over it. “Still looks just as hokey as ever,” he thought, as he turned down main street, marveling at how little change had taken place in all those years. Patterson’s Men’s Clothing was still on the corner, and Jenkins’ Drug Store still had the same old pink neon sign that had been there since he was a boy growing up. The memories flooded back with each old store, house, or park that came into view. He took a right on Elm Street, and two blocks later he slowed down and drove by the old homestead. Shutters had been added to the front windows, and the once white paint job was now an earth tone tan, but to Scott it still was home. He glanced at his watch and realized that the reception was already started, so he gunned the motor and headed off to the high school.

Poker Night For Heather

Let me tell you about my sexxxxxy wife Heather. Everyone calls her RM now and she Loves it, ever since the new change in her (it stands for rear motion). Heather was a very conservative girl missionary style, straight dresser, conservative clothes, you know a goody-goody girl. Well now she is an even “BETTER” girl.

I have always wanted to see her expose her body to other guys and to watch them get horny and want her I also wanted to see her let them feel her up. I tried to get her to dress sexy when we went out but sometimes was lucky to get a short skirt or occasionally no Bra. RM is 26 5’6″ 36-26-37 her beautiful legs and magnificent breasts are a pleasure and turn many a head even covered. But most of all I wanted to see her let several guys FUCK the hell out of her at the same time while I watched.

I talked to her during sex and she always seemed more turned on when I brought this topic up. She agreed to pretend with me and role play that she was the server at a poker game with other men there and wear a see thru blouse no bra and short skirt with sheer pink panties. Several weeks went by and I watched my pretty wife pretend I was a stranger and how she would seduce me, bending over real low with her tits in plain view her skirt hiked up over her ass. OH how I longed for other guys to see her and touch her.

Watching My Wife Get Wild

My wife and I visit our local strip club a couple of times a year. She usually has a couple glasses of wine and gets a few table dances and we leave. Last Saturday however was different. After the first dance she went to the restroom, and came back without her panties. her pussy was soaking wet and swollen.

She had a couple more glasses of wine and arranged for a table dance from a busty brunette named Savannah. As Savannah started dancing my wife was letting her dress ride up her thighs exposing her dripping wet pussy to Savannah and a man at the table next to us. when the song was over Savannah sat with us for a drink the whole while my wife’s eyes were locked on this handsome stranger at the table next to us. She would scoot her chair so he could see right up he dress, while she worked her fingers in and out of her swollen lips.

Shocked as I was I was also very turned on, so i asked her what was up. She told me if it was alright with me she would like to suck his cock while I watched. We had talked about things like this before, but only in our bedroom. I never thought anything would really happen. I told her I was ok with it and that i would go to the restroom, and she could invite him over if she wanted.

At The Window

As he walked into the living room of their second floor apartment fresh from his morning shower, he saw her bent at the waist and leaning out the open window, apparently talking to Mrs. Smith, the landlady who usually sat downstairs on a lawn chair in the front yard watching the world go by. The curtains were closed and only her bottom half emerged from between them. She was wearing one of her ratty old sweatpants and stood leaning on one leg, with her hips off to the side, one cheek a little higher than the other.

At that exact moment, the way the thick cloth draped and accented the shape of her ass looked very good to him. He thought about how she had looked earlier, walking around the apartment in his old, oversize sweatshirt. Obviously braless underneath, he had enjoyed the gentle swaying of her breasts pushing against the fabric as she moved about.

Without really thinking about it, he walked over to where she was, stood behind her, pulled the window down as far as he could without hurting her, and locked it in position with the anti-burglar lock. She was a little startled, but Mrs. Smith was still talking, so she acted as if nothing was happening. She felt him grab her hips and grind his crotch into her ass. Out of the corner of her mouth, through clenched teeth, so Mrs. Smith would think she was still paying attention, she whispered, “What the hell are you doing?”

“Whatever I want,” he said, and she felt him pull away and begin ripping the sweatpants down the seam at the back.

Bar Stop Bang

My wife and I were going to meet some friends at a bar and then go to dinner. Sue was dressed to kill in a short black dress that was cut low enough to feature her small breasts in a very sexy way. As we sat at a table near the bar waiting for our friends, a tall, good-looking man sat down at the bar. He ordered a drink for himself, then turned around in his stool and looked over the people in the bar. His eyes locked onto Sue. I glanced over to her and realized she was staring back at him.

He spun around in his stool to take a sip of his drink, but then he spun around back again and resumed staring at Sue. I studied Sue for a reaction and watched her first shift in her chair and then sit back in it. She dropped her arms to her sides so as to give him a good view of her breasts.

A few minutes went by with the two of them communicated via stares. I sensed my wife starting to breath more shallow and quickly. Suddenly she stood up and went to the bar. She was standing right next to him as she reached for a napkin. He pulled another stool up for her and said something to her. Without so much as a glance back towards me, she sat down on the empty stool.

The Costume Party

We were going out for the evening. My work was throwing a costume party for Halloween and we were going to go as a a bee and a flower, me as the bee and him as the flower.

We got dressed and left for the party I was already in a mood and so was he. We really did want to go so we decided to wait until we got home to fool around… we needed to get going, it was over on the other side of town. So we got to the party and the place had been decorated in this fantastic way, lots of dark corners for adult fun. Just waiting for me to drag my “honey” into one.

We went to the punch bowl and got our first taste of the refreshments and then went out on the dance floor. The party had already begun to swing, the DJ had just started a slow smoochy one, so we swung out on to the floor and wrapped ourselves together dancing real slow and close. I decided to tease him by nibbling on his neck and running my hand along his crotch and slipping him the tongue when he kissed me.

My Husband is Away

I am sorry babe, but I have really tried to be good while you have been away, but I want to be honest with you, so feel that I should tell you about what happened today.You know I told you that they came to do the gas inspection today, well what I did not tell you was that when the door went I opened it to two men. Well when I say two men, there was a bloke who looked to be in his thirties and a young lad, who I was told had just left school and was on an apprentership. The older one said that if it was o.k with me that he would leave the lad to do the inspection and when he had fininshed that he was to call him, and he would then come back to check on his work.

I said that was fine and then he left, leaving me with this gorgeous young lad!I am sorry babe, but I could not help myself from watching him and thinking what I would like to do to him. I got chatting to him and he said he was eighteen and lived locally. He was so cute and it looked like he had a really nice body and I found myself feeling so horny and decided that this was going to be my first taste of young cock. So, while he had his back to me busy taking the fire apart I started to play with my tits, rubbing my nipples until they were rock hard and I could feel my pussy getting wet. I was enjoying it so much that I had not noticed him turn around and that he was watching me open mouthed. At first he looked embarrassed, after all I was not far off old enought to be his mum but it was getting me so wet seeing the bulge in his jeans that I asked him if he would like to come and sit on the sofa.

Cock Crazy

When I first got married, I honestly thought I could remain faithful to my husband Jared. I was wild and sex crazy before we met, and I was sure I had gotten that out of my system. But not long into our marriage I realized that one dick would never be enough for a cock craving little slut like me.

At 20 years old, I guess my sex drive and need for variety still control me. It’s not that I don’t love my husband, I just don’t think he can fill all my desires. My pussy is always aching for cock. I simply must have a dick when the urge hits. Jared can’t always be there, so I have a long list of backups.

We have been married for only 15 months now, and already I have fucked 11 other guys behind my husbands back. The first incident happened when the guy next door came over to borrow a wrench for something he was working on.

Hairs To Kristen

I’ve never been the kind of guy to go to a “hair dresser” to get my hair cut. As long back as I can remember I’ve been going to old Fred the barber when- ever I needed to have my mop trimmed up. Then old Fred decided to retire about a month or so back, and the guy who bought the barber shop went and nicked Charlie’s ear. I sure as hell wasn’t going to give him the same opportunity with my ears!

My hair was starting to get really ragged looking though, and I was seriously contemplating cutting it myself when I spotted an ad in our local paper announcing that Kristen had joined the staff of one of the local beauty salons, and that she was welcoming new customers. The ad went on to say that she had trained for two years at a fancy school in New York and that she had won an award for excellence in men’s styling. There was a picture of Kristen right beside the ad, but I don’t trust newspaper pictures too much since they could have been taken years ago. The face in the picture looked real appealing though, and I did need a hair cut, so I called up and made an appointment.

I got to the place a little bit early the next day, and had to wait a little before Kristen was ready to take care of me. This gave me a chance to really check her out. I lit a smoke and relaxed in one of the big overstuffed chairs while I checked everything out. It was only five o’clock, but the place seemed nearly deserted. A couple of other girls were working on some women, but it was obvious from the conversation that they were getting ready to call it quits for the night. Kristen however was the one that my eyes kept searching out. The picture in the paper did her no justice. She looked to be about twenty years old with a face as smooth as silk. She stood about five foot four, and had dark blond hair that she wore short and curly. The white smock that she wore hid most of her figure from my view, but it couldn’t hide the fact that she had a pair of big boobs, and terrific legs!