Las Vegas Trade Show Fun

It was the day of our trade show and everyone had cleared out except for Stacy and me. Stacy is in Marketing and I am engineer and we have both worked for the same company for about 15 years. Our families are close and she is one of my wife’s best friends and her husband and I play golf together all summer. We closed up the booth and headed back to the hotel.

We had a flight the next morning so we decided to have dinner and then maybe play some slots for a while. We had a nice dinner and of course the waiter thought we were a couple and we played along with it and told him it was our anniversary and he gave us a free desert and encouraged us to kiss when he brought out the cake.

The wine was loosening us up and there was some serious tongue action when we kissed and the waiter said it is nice see two people in love. We left holding hands putting on a good show and kissing again as we left. We went out to the Casino and I won $500 playing slots and then we went to the bar and had some more wine and shared a few dances.

We were definitely having a good time together flirting but we both knew it would never go anywhere. It was around 11pm and we headed to our rooms still holding hands as if we were a couple.

When we got to our room she gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and said she had a really fun night. As she was opening her door she turned around and said with a smile “I will only ask once and this will only happen tonight, do you want to come in?” I looked at her and said, “I would love too!”


Moria liked sex and she knew she was good in bed. So why did her boyfriend cheat on her with the slut assistant from work? How could the bastard do that to her!?

It was a drizzly night. But for Moria it was exciting. She had never done anything like this before, but it was time break out, quit playing it safe and go out and have some fun. Fuck her boyfriend, the sleazy bastard.

Moria had been with Bob since their senior year in high school. She had never even given a thought about straying away from Bob. But last night was the clincher, he had confessed all about his affair. The little shit even had the balls to ask for her forgiveness, like then everything would be alright.

Well, she made up her mind that she was going forgive him, then she needed to at least punish him and this was the way she’d decided to do it. The night was full of possibilities, the air was electric and tonight, she would cheat on her boyfriend.

She decided to start the evening out by going to a place she’d hear of from a friend at work, a kind of swinger’s bar. She had never even thought about going to a place like that before. She had driven by it many times, but tonight she was going to go in.

Prom Dress Fitting

“I’d love to go,” Fran said excitedly into the phone, “sure, sure, uh huh, okay, yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow at school then, and thanks for asking me, bye.” “Yipeeeee,” Fran shouted at the top of her lungs, “guess who just asked yours truly to the Prom?” “Let me guess,” her mother replied thoughtfully, “I’ll bet it was Stuart?.?” “Oh, mother,” Fran replied in exasperation, “you know who it was, it was Jack.” “Jack,” her mother asked playfully, “do I know him?” Fran playfully poked her mother in the arm and replied, “This is gonna be the best night of my life, Jack and a couple of the guys are renting a limo, I can hardly wait, oh my gosh, I’ve gotta get a dress. Her mother patted her on the arm and offered, “Don’t worry about a thing, honey, well start looking at dresses tomorrow, we can start at Marie’s place, she’s a good friend and will probably give us a deal.” Fran merely nodded happily and ran upstairs to call her friends to tell them the good news.

“Hi, Peggy,” Marie called out from the far end of her store, “long time no see.” “Hello, Marie,” Peg replied while making her way through the maze of dresses and gowns hanging in every nook and cranny of the small boutique, “you remember may oldest daughter, Fran, well she needs a dress for the junior-senior prom and we want something special as it will be her last high school dance.” “Of course I remember her,” Marie replied with a wide smile on her face, “but I think it’s been six or seven years, and I must say, my how you’ve grown.” “Thank you, ma’am,” Fran replied softly, “I hope you have something exciting for me to wear.” “Don’t you worry abou that,” Marie said emphatically, “if I don’t have it, then I’ll just have to make it.” Peg gave her daughter a playful poke in the ribs and offered, “See, what’d I tell ya, Marie’ll have exactly what you need.”

“So,” Marie asked, “exactly what type of dress did you have in mind?” Fran looked at her mother for a second, and after getting the go ahead, she replied softly, “Well we were kinda hoping to get something that was strapless, you know, something that shows a lot of shoulder.” “Mmmmmmmm, a good idea,” Marie said while moving over to a rack of dresses in the corner of the store, “how about one of these, they’re all strapless and I’m sure that you’ll find that one of them is just right for you?” Fran worked her way through the fifty or so gowns that were pressed tightly together, until she came to a black and white number that was truly stunning. “How about this one,” she asked excitedly while holding it up to her neck, “what do you think, mom?” “My goodness it certainly is low cut,” she replied to her daughter, “why don’t you try it on and we’ll see how it looks on you.” “Where’s the dressing room,” Fran asked? “Oh, you don’t need a dressing room,” Marie replied softly, “I’ll go and lock the front door while you get started changing.”

In Arrears

“Please sit down,” Nancy said to Miss Danon, “would you care for some coffee?” “This isn’t a social call, Mrs. Wyatt,” Ellie Danon shot back stiffly, I want to keep this meeting to strictly business.” “Uh, sure,” Nancy stammered, “I just thought….” Ignoring the flustered woman, Ellie Danon opened up her brief case and pulled out a thick file, the Nancy could see had the name “Wyatt” spelled out in big red letters. After opening the file and thumbing through a few pages, Miss Danon place the file on the kitchen table, crossed her arms, and said, “Your eight months behind in your mortgage payments, and from what I can see, you have absolutely no way making up what you already owe, let alone all your future obligations.” Nancy fidgeted in her seat, while waiting for Miss Danon to finish. “Now,” Miss Danon continued, “I feel that the bank’s only option is to repossess, but if you have anything to add, I’m listening.” “Well,” Nancy stumbled, “you see, we’ve had a lot of bad luck lately, with my husband’s passing away, and I’ve been sick and missed a lot of work….”

“Yes, yes, yes,” Miss Danon interrupted, “all of that’s in your file, and much as I sympathize with your predicament, the bank is certainly not a charitable institution, and even though your mother carried you for nine months, we at Bank & Trust will not.” Nancy was just about to respond, when her eighteen year old daughter Erin came into the kitchen to get a snack. “How’s it going, mom,” Erin asked, as she poured herself a glass of milk?” “Uh, okay, dear,” her mom replied, “could you please excuse us honey, we still have a lot to go over?.?” “No prob,” Erin answered, “I’ll be in watching television.” As Erin left the kitchen, Ellie Danon couldn’t take her eyes off the ass of the cute teenager, and asked, “What’s her name?” “Erin,” came the quick reply, “she’s my one and only.” “”She’s very pretty,” commented Miss Danon, “how old is she?” “She’ll be nineteen in about three weeks,” Nancy responded, while Miss Danon, still looking at the open door Erin had just passed through, just said, “Hmmmmm.”

My Boyfriend Left Me

My boyfriend and I had purchased a two bedroom rancher in a rather upscale neighborhood and had been in it about eight months when I came home from work to find he had left me. There was just a short note that said he wasn’t ready to settle down into family life, sorry. Of course my life came crashing down on me, I had no inclination that he felt that way, he always seemed happy and I was totally devastated by this turn of events in my life.

A couple of days later, I was sitting on my front step with the note in my hand, crying like a baby when my neighbor, Irene, came over to see why I was in tears. We weren’t really friendly but always said hello and sometimes made small talk, but it was a shoulder to cry on, so I told her what happened. She let me pour my heart out to her for which I was very grateful and gave me the attention I needed most right then, the fact somebody cared about my life. She wrapped her arms around me and consoled me so that I began to feel better about myself and my situation.

When I stopped crying she invited me over to her place for dinner, telling me that her husband traveled on business three to five days a week and she hated to eat alone. I was in no mood to cook but was certainly hungry, so I accepted without any hesitance and we went over to her house for dinner.

The Bus

It was a hot afternoon that day at the end of summer as Sally returned home from her 20 year high school reunion. She decided to take a bus because she enjoys all the colors of the trees as they prepare for autumn and watching the animals scurry through the woods as they drive through the mountains.

As she approaches the bus to hand the bus driver her ticket, she notices how tall he stands and that his smile is pleasant and genuine. His name tag catches her eye, it simply read ‘Brian’. She was studying him so intently and her hands were full of souvenirs for her daughter, she almost didn’t notice when she accidentally dropped her ticket, as it fluttered to the ground, it landed right at his feet.

She and Brian bent over at the same time to retrieve the fumbled ticket, as they did their heads knocked together with a resounding THUD. As Sally caught her balance, Brian picked up the ticket and said “Sorry, Ma’am – Thanks for choosing Greyhound.” She smiled as she looked into his eyes, she wanted to say ‘Thank You’ but found herself breathless and just nodded with her face blushing from embarrassment.

After everyone had boarded the bus, Brian announced the destinations (with a voice that so deep it made Sally tingle) he pointed out some of the special stops he would be making during the journey. Sally didn’t hear a word he said because she was thinking of other scenery and special stops she’d like for Brian to make, starting with her seat at the very back of the bus.

The Babysitter

[Submitted by Johnny D]

My wife and I live in the valley, just outside of the city. We thought it would be a nice place for a younger couple to raise a family.

We bought a two story house with an attached garage. It needed a few minor cosmetic repairs, but nothing major. After some paint and building a new deck out back, it looked really nice.

My wife Rose, is the manager of one of those upscale resort hotels. She likes the money, but doesn’t like the long hours or the snobs that stay there.

I on the other hand work as an auto technician, so I have the luxury of having set hours.

This was working out very well for us, until one day we decided to have a baby. We’ve been wanting to start a family right from the beginning, that’s why we moved to this area. The problem that we now faced, was finding a babysitter. We both wanted keep our careers. My Mom is able to baby sit for a few hours, but then she has to leave for her job.

Our next door neighbors, Bob and Gail Thomas, have a daughter named, Jenny. She is eighteen and kind of shy. When Bob and I were talking, I told him that I was looking for a babysitter, for our six month old son. He said Jenny was looking to make some extra money, and that I should ask her.

Later that day, the school bus drove up and dropped Jenny off. She went to one of those Catholic schools. She hopped down off the bus, dressed in her schoolgirl uniform. Little black and white saddle shoes, white knee high socks, blue skirt and a white button down blouse. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail.

Bar Room Slut and Stripper

“Do you really have to go out now, Den?” said Janet, her lips forming into a sullen pout, “can’t you stay home just this once? I could make it worth your while!” She playfully lifted her short skirt, giving her husband a quick glimpse of her black lace panties and creamy white thighs.

“Oh, Janet!, you know I always go out for a quick beer on a Sunday lunchtime. It’s like a religion! It’s one of the few times all the guys can get together these days.”

Dennis had to admit, the sight of his wife’s panty covered crotch rarely failed to get his blood pumping. But he had to be strong. He could see that Janet was feeling sexy, and in this mood, if she got her way, he wouldn’t see the inside of his local pub until next week.

“I’ll be back before you know it baby!” he said as he slipped his jacket on and made a movement towards the front door. His wife, though, was not about to give up so easily.

“Fine! I’ll come with you then!”

In a near panic, Den searched his mind for an excuse for her not to join him, but he was a blank.

“You won’t enjoy it much, it’s just a bunch us guy’s talking and drinking”, he said somewhat lamely. But his wife seemed to have made up her mind and was already searching for her coat. He briefly thought about agreeing with her initial demand and dragging her back up to the bedroom for a good session of sex, but he thought that would be too obvious. There really was nothing he could do to stop her now!

Janet had not bothered to change out of her short skirt and thin halter top, and as they entered the dark pub, a few heads turned to look at her. Den could hardly blame them. At thirty four, his wife was still a great looker. Her blonde hair framed a heart shaped face and tumbled over her shoulders in wispy curls. Her legs were long and slender, an extra two inches added to her height with the heeled sandals that she wore and the halter top did little to conceal the ample charms of her breasts. He felt proud when other men looked at her.

The After School Special

“How do you think he’ll like this one,” Jenna asked while leaning over and giving her big tits a little shake while settling them gently into her low cut bra? “Good grief, Jen,” Holly replied, “do you wanna just turn him on or give him a heart attack?” Jenna looked at her reflection in the full length mirror that hung on the back of her bedroom door and replied with a giggle, “I haven’t decided yet, can’t you just picture the headlines in the paper, “Man Dies From Too Much Tit”, now that would sell some papers.” The two eighteen year olds roared with laughter at the prospect of Jenna’ s boyfriend actually passing out at the mere sight of seeing her 36DD’s filling the low cut pink bra, but Holly was thinking to herself that it was more than just possibility. “Toss me the while one,” Jenna asked while slipping out of the pink one, “do you think I’m getting fat, my butt seems a little bigger than ususal?” “Oh, please,” Holly quickly shot back, “you’re perfect and you know it.” “I wouldn’t say that,” Jenna replied while hooking the catches on her next bra, “but as long as Jeff thinks so, that’s all tha really matters.” (more…)

Party Girl

Ken was getting bored. The party, at least in his mind, had been a total waste.

He sat on the couch, looking through his drink to the light in the living room, which was full of people socializing, chatting or otherwise.

Ken had been completely and entirely unsuccessful tonight, which was very strange because he always ended up taking someone home when he went to one of Sonny’s parties. It was still early, only nine, and people were still coming, but he didn’t have an especially good feeling.

Then he saw Brooke, drinking a glass of wine casually on the stairs. What a gorgeous woman she is, he thought. The softest looking brown hair flowing down to her full breasts, sparkling green eyes, and just the right complexion. Textbook stuff, he called it; short nose, short forehead, pouty lips. Then of course there was her body, which her outfit didn’t exactly hide. Her long tanned legs and slender upper body were draped by a beautiful white and pink dress, a spring sort of dress. He shook his head, smiling, as his eyes met hers, and he walked over.

“Didn’t know you’d be here.”

“You’re so full of shit,” he grinned. “You know full well I always come.”