Heather Has a Virgin Ass

Over the past few weeks my secretary Christine has been telling me about a girl she met at a dress boutique. She stopped there one night to do some shopping and met this girl Heather who worked there. Ever since then, Christine has been talking about her. You see Christine has this fantasy. She constantly wonders what it would be like turning a sweet innocent girl into our little plaything. Now we really didn’t think that we’d ever meet anyone to make that fantasy come true, but it was nice dreaming about it.

After meeting Heather that night and few more visits to the boutique, Christine desperately wanted to ask her to join us for an evening. My nasty little secretary told me how much they talked about the many things we did at home and in the office. Heather apparently seemed interested and asked allot about me. I wasn’t surprised when, one evening, Christine told me that she had asked Heather to join us and she accepted. The arrangements were set for this Friday night. I have to say, I was really excited about it and Christine was too.

At about eight o’clock when the doorbell rang, Christine answered it. I couldn’t believe what I saw. This incredibly cute blonde walked in. She wore a simple summer dress that hugged her little schoolgirl curves so nicely. And that’s exactly how she looked, like a little schoolgirl. I couldn’t imagine that sweet young thing wanting to join in with Christine and I. I just stood there staring at her.

Christine properly introduced Heather to me explaining that she worked at the dress boutique. But I knew all that, it was just the formality and breaking the ice so to speak. Christine went on saying that she had just turned eighteen and worked there to help with her college expenses.

Alone At The Movies

I’ve got to tell you about a most incredible experience I had last week. Ok, ya, sure, you’re thinking I made all this up. Well, read it and believe!

There it was, a crappy Thursday night. I was feeling anxious and itchy and decided to go to the movies. I wanted to be alone; what better place than in a theatre? The wife was in her usual “I couldn’t care less” mode, so I decided, “frig her”, I’ll go by myself. I always wondered what it would feel like to go to the movies alone; wondered what people would think.

As I entered the darkened theatre, popcorn and soda in hand, I slunk down into a seat in the middle of the last isle. A stupid preview was playing so, naturally, I started fantasizing about wild sex (I seem to be doing that a lot lately).

Suddenly, I was awakened out of my reverie.

“Excuse me,” she said as she slid past me, rubbing her beautiful ass on my legs as she squeezed by. And of course I knew it was a beautiful ass, after all I was right in the middle of one of my fantasy moments. If she wasn’t with her male friend (husband?), I would have thought she did it on purpose. (*heavy sigh*) My sexual imagination getting the best of me again.

My High School Teacher

I consider myself to be a bright and intelligent kinda girl. When I was in High School I thought that it was a joke and never did my homework. My second to last year I had to retake a science class in order to graduate. This is where I met Mr. Phillips (name changed for protection.) and this is our story.

I felt so stupid going into my fourth period class because I was an 18 year old stuck with a bunch of immature 15 year old freshmen. The first day of class I was late, and my teacher Mr. Phillips gave me a warning telling me that if it happened again that I would get a detention. He didn’t really intimidate me, and I shrugged off his warning and sat in my seat. I am about 5’5 and 110 pounds, and I loved to dress in a sexual way. My boyfriend Mike was a senior too, the captain on the track team and also the football team, but he spent more time with the guys than with me. I didn’t really care because I was looking for someone else to fulfill my needs. All the guys in my school are so immature, and even the college guys weren’t able to satisfy me. I thought about this as Mr. Phillips began to take attendance. I looked around to see who was in my class when he called out my name.

“Samantha Jacobs?” He repeated it twice.

“That’s my name” I winked at him.

“I see that you have quite the sense of humor Ms. Jacobs, but please don’t let in interfere with our learning.”

“I will Try Mr. Phillips, but I can’t promise anything.” I smiled and watched for his reaction. He smiled back and sat down in his seat and began to lecture about what was going to be covered throughout the year.

The New Dress

I stopped at the mall to surprise my wife with a new dress. She always likes when I surprise her with a new dress before a party.

I was going through the rack when I saw a lady we knew most likely shopping for the same party. Her name is Kim and I had been seeing her out jogging quite a bit lady and she was looking very hot with her new toned body.

Her and her husband have kids in the same school as ours and we have known them for 10 years or so and she is one of my wife’s best friends and I play golf with her husband all summer. I would guess she is about the same age as me, 38.

Kim and I talked for a while and then she asked if I would let her model the dress for her. She was not sure about the size since she had recently lost 18 pounds. When the door open she stood there and I think my tongue hit the floor.

She was in an almost skin tight skimpy light colored dress. She had removed her bra and her hard nipples were showing their way through the flimsy fabric. She said, “How do you like it?”

Black Army Wife

Being from a poor black family, after I finished college, I had to do four years in the Army to pay back what my ROTC scholarship didn’t cover. . I was commissioned a second lieutenant and assigned as a platoon leader in an infantry company. I had married LaShonda while in college and I lucked out managing to get a small married-officer quarters on the base where I was stationed.

Things were pretty tough and money was tight. One night our commanding officer, Colonel Rose, treated all the junior officers to drinks at the ‘O’ club. Rose turned out to be quite a drinker and was soon blitzed. I offered to drive him back to his quarters so he wouldn’t get busted by the MPs and he accepted.

I have to admit I was kissing his ass a little, but you have to do such things to get ahead in the army today, especially when you’re black-it’s still a white man’s army.

En route home I thought I’d stop at my place and introduce Rose to LaShonda. I had this vision that my wife and Rose’s wife would soon meet and become friends, which wouldn’t be bad for my career, either. I thought my hospitality would do no harm to my career prospects and I knew that LaShonda wouldn’t mind.

Colonel Rose is about 38. He’s a very big, imposing man about six feet three and probably around 300 pounds. He is white and played football at West Point. He always seemed aloof to the junior officers but I figured this was just the way Colonels had to act.

I drove Rose back in my old car to find that LaShonda was still out clubbing with her friends. I offered Colonel Rose a tumbler of scotch and sat in the living room chatting with him. It seemed strange seeing him in such a relaxed mood, as he was always so stern when on duty. We sank a couple more scotches and then LaShonda got back.

She is usually shy, had obviously had had a lot to drink and was very giggly and talkative when she staggered into the room. I thought, “Oh God! Don’t let her do anything to embarrass me now!”

At first she was taken aback by the unexpected surprise of Colonel Rose, but she soon broke the ice by saying, “Just what I need… two lovely men!” I could see Colonel Rose’s face light up immediately. Sensing that LaShonda was probably more than a little drunk I suggested quietly to Rose that, perhaps, I should take him back to his quarters now.

My Wife Likes Black Cock

Life is strange to say the least. Take the situation that now exists between my wife and me. Linda and I have been married almost seven years now, but out relationship has changed more in the last six months than it did in the first six years. Let me explain how my present predicament began. I guess in a sense everything that has happened to me has been my fault.

I should have left well enough alone, you see I’m married to a 25 year old fox of a wife. Her name is Linda and I’ve been with her ever since she was 16 years old. She had never known any other man but me and that was fine with me. I’m a couple of years older than Linda but not that much more experienced in sexual matters than her. Linda was a virgin when we meet, and I had only a couple of sexual experiences before meeting my wife.

In any event, our sex life was fine for the first five years and then in the next year, I noticed how it kind of tailed off. I figured that I could improve our sex life by having us both watch and get better sexually educated by watching some porn flicks. At first Linda was against it, but she relented and eventually she seemed to actually like watching them. It did seem to improve the frequency of our sex sessions but then something interesting happened.

As Linda and I were watching a new porno flick I had picked up, she seemed to be taking particular interest in Peter North’s large equipment as he filled some women to the limit with it. The next scene showing a black guy with his even bigger cock seemed to fascinate her even more.

Visiting Old Friends

Last year I had to take a trip to one of our plants on the west coast so I called up an old friend Mike and suggested we meet for dinner. He transferred about 5 years earlier but had recently left the company and I had not met up with him in 2-3 years and not seen his wife since they moved.

My wife and I were always good friends with Mike and Molly and they are about the same age as us but Molly was the opposite of my wife. My wife was 5″1 and very petite even after 3 kids. Molly was about 5’8″ with a nice body with a few extra pounds after kids but still very sexy. I always caught myself staring at her sexy boobs wanting to touch them but thinking I would never get the chance. Even my wife commented that Molly had nice tits.

I got there on Sunday and I met them for dinner on Monday at their house. It was a nice dinner and then we sat on the patio and talked until 1am before I headed back to the hotel. We talked about meeting up on Wednesday and Mike said he had to check some things and would get back to me.

Molly was looking hotter than even and had lost probably 15-20 pounds which really made her breasts stand out with her nipples getting hard as the cool breeze came in. More than once I caught myself flirting with Molly and Mike seemed to almost encourage it and Molly was flirting right back. When I got back to the hotel room I had to jack off to the thought of those delicious boobs and pictured myself spraying all over them.

Prom Date

My sexy and beautiful wife Lynn, a 33 year old blonde bomb shell, and I live next do to an older couple that has an 18 year old son. He is a senior in high school. Mark is a football star and is built accordingly with muscles throughout his young body. He is quite arrogant and always seems to get what he wants whether it is fast cars or hot sexy women. I’ve found out that he wants my hot sexy wife and that he wants to date her and show her off to his friends. I found out later that my wife wanted the young stud also.

Mark often did house work for me such as lawn mowing and pool cleaning. Although I paid him well for his services, I don’t think he did it for the cash. I think he did it to get closer to my sexy wife. When I would come home from work they would often be inside cuddled up on the couch watching movies or something to that extent. They would quickly seperate when I would come in the room and as soon as I would leave, they would be right back together. I knew that they were making out and stuff because when he left for the night, her red lipstick would be smeared and she was hot for sex. I think she liked the attention that the young stud showed her. Young Mark was always holding her hand or had his arm around her. I couldn’t blame the young stud as Lynn was a living cock tease and always dressed in flirty younger styles such as short shorts and mini skirts. I loved to look at her myself and I know that young Mark loved to look also. I would often fantasize about him taking my wife and making her his and I even wrote sexy stories about him doing so. We even fantasized together and Lynn would really get hot when I told her about how erotic and exciting it was fantasizing about him taking her from me. Lynn would always tell me about the young girls that he would date on just about every weekend and I would tease her about being jealous of them. She would roll her eyes at me and say that she was not jealous just concerned as Mark was such a heartbreaker. I bet he could even break my heart too, she said, just like in those perverted stories you write about me and him. You probably even want me and him getting it on in front of you for real, don’t you. Mark was always sexing a different girl or at least it appeared that way and I did secretly wish that he would take my wife.

One day Mark and I was washing my wifes car and he mentioned that his senior prom was next friday. I asked him who he was taking and he said that he was taking Lynn. Oh, I said, do you think my wife will go if you ask her? Mark looked at me and said, I know she will go with me I have already asked her to be my date and he had a smirk on his face as he said it. Jealously I said, I don’t think that I want my wife to be your date. He then said that it wasn’t my choice, she was going to go with him and thats that! The young man stood in my face and said, your wife showed me the stories that you wrote about she and I being together and how you want to be cuckolded by me and now you are going to get what you’ve wanted. I was extremely humiliated, why would my wife let him read of my fantasies, did she want him to fuck her or was he already sexing my wife. He told me to finish washing her car and that he was going to go inside and talk with my wife, his prom date. He walked into my house like it was his own and shut the door behind him. It took me about 30 minutes to finish washing her car and as I tried to enter into my house I discovered that the doors were locked.

Cut and Blow

“You look very nice today.”

“Why, thank you,” the hairdresser replied crisply. “In about fifteen minutes, if you allow me to finish, then so might you.”

He suppressed a grin and caught the eye of a passing assistant. Around twenty, short blonde hair, tits out to here and legs to die for. Not that he was looking.

“Hi, have we met?” he flashed a smile. “Guy Pearson.”

The girl simpered a little, and blushed shyly. “Pleased to meet you, Mr Pearson.”

“You’ve met him, Annette,” Cynthia ushered her away. “He comes once a month.”

“And on holidays,” Guy added.

“Oh, right, I just, I mean, you know, I was being polite.”

“Well, get back to whatever you were doing. And you, Mr Pearson,” she leaned over Guy to block his view of Annette’s departing rear, “should be ashamed. That girl could be your daughter.”

“Impossible, she has blue eyes.”

“It says something, I suppose, that you noticed.”

“And also great tits.” He shook his head wistfully. “All the women in my family are flat-chested.”

Buddy Fuck

My Wife Andrea worked for an economic development company that traveled with business leaders to different cities to entice companies to move to our city. On one of these trips she was with two fellows who we actually knew pretty well.

Andrea and these guys had done these trips before and always had a great time. They were very friendly, but had never had any sexual contact; just friendly flirting as friends will do. This particular night in San Diego, they were in a party mood and went to a bar to have a few drinks. At the bar, Andrea sat on a bar stool facing the room while her two friends stood on each side of her.

A table full of guys started flirting with Andrea by making comments about her legs. Evidently, they were getting a good look at her legs as she was on a high stool and they were right in front of her at a table. That put them much lower and at eye level with her good looking long legs.

The guys were just having some fun and she was enjoying crossing her legs and recrossing them. She had on a very business-like dress that buttoned up the front (her favorite for obvious reasons) and had it undone just a little.

She had on sheer-to-the-waist pantyhose with no panties and high heels.